The Magic of shared Words: Unlocking the Benefits of Reading Aloud to Children.

6 Reasons to Read Aloud to your Child.

4 minute read.

4th December 2023


I still remember my mother reading stories to me when I was a child. ‘The Little Corn Dolly’ by Margaret Elliott was my favourite. My mother’s voice, tone, and expression ensured the characters and story came to life, making it engaging and memorable. Now, in a world filled with digital distractions and ever-evolving technologies, the simple act of reading aloud to children can be forgotten. However, it is a timeless and powerful tradition, the value of which should not be underestimated. Beyond the enchanting tales and carefully designed illustrations lies a profound connection between words and young minds. This connection can shape their literary, cognitive and emotional development. The magic of shared words goes beyond the pages of a book, creating memories and skills that last a lifetime. Below are 6 reasons to read aloud to your child.

1. QUALITY TIME TOGETHER: Reading together creates a special bonding experience between caregivers and children. It fosters positive associations with books and reading, making it a cherished and enjoyable activity. This shared time builds strong emotional connections and reinforces a love for learning.

2. LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: Reading aloud exposes children to a rich vocabulary and varied language structures, helping them develop stronger language skills.

3. PREPARATION FOR SCHOOL: Regular exposure to reading before entering school has been linked to academic success. Children who are read to frequently often have a head start in developing literacy skills, which are fundamental for academic achievement. FIND OUT MORE HERE

4. SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Reading aloud provides opportunities to discuss emotions, morals, and social situations present in stories. This helps children understand and express their own feelings, as well as developing empathy and social skills as they relate to the characters.

5. ATTENTION SPAN AND CONCENTRATION: Listening to a story requires children to focus and sustain their attention over a period of time. This helps in the development of concentration skills, which are essential for learning.

6. Imagination and Creativity: Storytelling fosters a child’s imagination by transporting them to different worlds, introducing them to characters, and sparking creativity. This imaginative exercise contributes to the development of creative thinking and original ideas.

There is no age limit to enjoying having a book read to you. Indeed, the popularity of audio books shows that adults as well as children like hearing stories. This is a good way to link modern technology to an age old tradition. However, this is no substitute for cuddling up, talking and sharing ideas about the story. Enjoy reading aloud with your family!

Frances Maguire